Adding Assignments
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Assignments are the tasks that you give your student to complete: math lessons, spelling tests, writing assignments, science experiments, field trips, etc. You can enter Assignments in advance or
add details after the fact. You can enter each and every task attempted and completed by your student, or just a representative assignment for a week, month or term worth of work.
All of your hours, grading and skills reports will be generated from the information you enter as Assignments.
The only required fields for any Assignment are Student, Subject/Course, and Date. You can add additional information as needed. By default, the following fields are disabled: Assignment Location,
Complete by Student, Custom, Links, Notes, Order, Sessions, Skills, Supplies, and Topic. You can enable any or all of these fields in
Program Options: Optional Fields.
Assignments can be created directly in the Agenda or by submitting Lesson Plan items using the Scheduler tool. This Help Page covers adding Assignments to
the Agenda. Once you have created Assignments, you can preform any of the following:
Adding a Single Assignment
Use this option to create a single Assignment for a single Student and date. To create the same entry for multiple Students at the same time, or to create multiple entries over a date range for the same or
multiple students, see the Adding Multiple Assignments section.
- On the HSTOnline menu, click or touch 'Agenda - Calendar View' or 'Agenda - List View' under the 'Schedules and Planning' section.
- On the Agenda - Calendar View or Agenda - List View page, click or touch the Add button and select 'Assignment - Single' to open the Add Assignment window.
Agenda-Calendar View Add Menu
Agenda-List View Add Menu
- The only required fields are: Student, Subject/Course, and Date.
- Fields and features which have been disabled in Program Options will be hidden from view in the Add Assignment window.
Add Assignment Form - Default fields only
- Fill in information as needed. The only required fields are Student, Subject/Course and Date. Add as much additional information as you like. Do not force yourself to use fields that add no value to
your own homeschooling records. You can always come back and add additional information later if needed. Below, the parameters of each field will be outlined.
The Subject or Subject/Course, Activity, Resource, and Location fields are all Smart-Entry Fields. To make an entry in one of these fields, you can press the
space bar to see all available options, or you can begin typing to limit the options available. Smart-Entry fields allow you to create new entries for each of these fields 'on-the-fly'. Simply type in the
new entry you need and HSTOnline will automatically add it to the appropriate list. See individual field notes below for more information.
- Student: Click or touch the Choose Student drop down to select a Student for this Assignment
- If you have just one active Student, they will be pre-selected in this field.
- Only one Student may be selected per item. Use the Assignment - Multiple option to create the same Assignment for one or more Students at the same time.
- Subject or Subject/Course: The field name will depend on your Program Options. If the
Course field is enabled you will see Subject/Course; otherwise the field name is simply Subject.
- The Subject and Subject/Course fields are Smart-Entry Fields.
- Press the space bar to see a list of all active Subjects or Subjects/Courses
- You can begin typing the name of a Subject or Course to see a limited list of options based on the letters entered. The list will show any entries where the Subject
or the Course begin with the letters you have entered.
- Click or touch the entry you want to use for this Assignment
- You can also choose to type in the name of a new Subject or Course.
- If you add a new item into the Subject field, it will be added to your list as a Core Subject. You can go to the Subjects
list to edit the new entry at any time.
- If you add a new item to the Subject/Course field, when you Save this Assignment you will be prompted to choose whether the new entry is to be used as a Subject
or as a Course. See below.
- Activity: This field is optional. Use the Activity field to provide a brief description of the type of work to be done: Lesson, Quiz, Test, Reading, etc.
- The Activity field is a Smart-Entry Field.
- Press the space bar to see a list of all active Activities
- You can begin typing the name of an Activity to see a limited list of options based on the letters entered
- Click or touch the entry you want to use for this Assignment
- You can also choose to type in the name of a new Activity which will be automatically added to your list of Activities.
- Resource: This field is optional. Use the Resource field to display the name of the book, text or workbook the Student will be using to complete the
- The Resource field is a Smart-Entry Field.
- Press the space bar to see a list of active Resources. The Resources displayed will be limited to those which:
- are tied to the 'All Subjects option
- are tied to the selected Subject
- are tied to the selected Subject/Course
- You can begin typing the name of a Resource to see a limited list of options based on the letters entered. The available list will be further limited by the parameters
noted above.
- Click or touch the entry you want to use for this Assignment
- You can also choose to type in the name of a new Resource which will be automatically added to your list of Library items as a Resource tied to the 'All Subjects' option.
You can go to the Library to edit the entry at any time to add additional information.
- Location (Loc): This field is optional and is disabled by default. Use the (Assignment) Location field to note where the learning took place. This is
helpful in jurisdictions where you need to keep track of the number of hours of schooling that take place in the home vs. elsewhere such as a co-op, community college, etc. In the
Agenda - List View the Location field column is labeled 'Loc'.
- The Location field is a Smart-Entry Field.
- Press the space bar to see a list of all active Locations
- You can begin typing the name of a Location to see a limited list of options based on the letters entered
- Click or touch the entry you want to use for this Assignment
- You can also choose to type in the name of a new Location which will be automatically added to your list of Locations with a Status of 'Away'. You can go to the
Assignment Location list to edit the new entry at any time.
- Topic: This field is optional. Enter a theme for the Assignment.
- You can enter up to 150 characters.
- Your Topic might be the name of the lesson or chapter from your Resource, or some other short description of what the lesson covers.
- When you choose to utilize the Topic field, you can create a Scope & Sequence Report listing all the Topics covered for a
selected Subject/Course and date range.
- PLC: This field is optional. PLC = Page/Lesson/Chapter. Use this field to note the exact pages, lesson or chapter associated with the work to be done,
up to 150 characters.
- Custom: This field is optional and is disabled by default. This text field allows you to enter any additional information about the
Assignment, up to 150 characters.
- Date: Choose a Date for this Assignment. Type in the date you want using the mm/dd/yyyy format or use the
Calendar icon to select a date.
- Time/Block: This field is optional. This field will be labeled Time or Block, depending on your selection in
Program Options: Agenda.
- Enter Start/End Times or enter a Block number from 1-20.
- You may leave these fields blank.
- Order: This field is optional and is disabled by default. If you have more than one Assignment with the same Date and Time/Block values, use the
Order field to indicate which items should come first, second, etc., in that slot.
- Possible: Earned: To generate a grade for this Assignment, enter the total Points Possible here. If you have disabled
Grading, these fields will not appear.
- If you are entering this Assignment after the work has been completed, enter the Points Earned in the 2nd box.
- Grades are automatically calculated when the Points Possible value is greater than zero and the Complete - Teacher box is checked.
- Please see the Grades Help Page for detailed information about how grades are entered and calculated in HSTOnline.
- Time Spent/Sessions: This field is optional. This field will be labeled Time Spent or Sessions, depending on your selection in the
Program Options: Optional Fields.
- For Time Spent, you can enter any value up to 999:59 (999 hours, 59 minutes).
- For Sessions, you can enter any number from 0.00 to 999.99.
- Reschedule: A checkmark in this box allows the Assignment to be moved forward or backward in time when using the
Reschedule feature. The box is checked by default. The column name for this field is Resch.
- Complete: Check one or both boxes to indicate work on this Assignment has been completed. The
Complete by Student box is disabled by default.
- When the Student box is checked, it indicates that the assignment is ready for review and/or grading by the Teacher.
- When the Teacher box is checked, HSTOnline will calculate the percentage grade for this Assignment and display it to the right of the Possible: Earned fields, and in
the Grade field of the Agenda - List View.
- Assignments must have a check in Complete - Teacher box in order to:
- Links: This field is optional and is disabled by default.
- Click or touch the field name or pencil icon to open the Links window
- Click or touch 'Add new record' to enter a URL and caption.
- Click or touch Save to add the Link to the list.
- In the Assignment add/edit window, the added links will be displayed; in the Agenda - List View Links column, the number of
Links that have been added to the Assignment will be displayed.
- See Adding Links for more information.
- Supplies: This field is optional and is disabled by default.
- Click or touch the field name or pencil icon to open the Supplies window
- Click or touch 'Add new record' to enter a supply name and quantity.
- Click or touch Save to add the Supply to the list.
- In the Assignment add/edit window, the added supplies will be displayed; in the Agenda - List View Supplies column, the
number of distinct Supplies that have been added to the Assignment will be displayed.
- See Adding Supplies for more information.
- Skills: This field is optional and is disabled by default.
- Click or touch the field name or pencil icon to open the Supplies window
- Click or touch a skill to select it; click or touch 'Add Selected Skills' to add them to the Current Skills area; click or touch Save to add them to the Assignment.
- In the Assignment add/edit window, the added supplies will be displayed; in the Agenda - List View Skills column, the
number of Skills that have been attached to the Assignment will be displayed.
- See Attaching Skills for more information.
- Directions: This field is optional.
- Click or touch the field name or pencil icon to open the Directions window
- Enter Directions for the Student.
- Click the Save button to add the Directions to the Assignment.
- There are two columns for Directions in the Agenda - List View:
- Dir (*) - this column is enabled by default and displays an asterisk (*) when Directions have been entered for the Assignment
- Directions (Preview) - this column is hidden by default and displays the first 150 characters of any Directions which have been entered for the Assignment
- See Directions and Notes for more information regarding the formatting controls.
- Notes: This field is optional and is disabled by default.
- Click or touch the field name or pencil icon to open the Notes window
- Enter Notes for yourself. Notes will not appear when logged in under a Student User Account.
- Click the Save button to add the Notes to the Assignment.
- There are two columns for Notes in the Agenda - List View:
- Notes (*) - this column is hidden by default and displays an asterisk (*) when Notes have been entered for the Assignment
- Notes (Preview) - this column is hidden by default and displays the first 150 characters of any Notes which have been entered for the Assignment
- See Directions and Notes for more information regarding the formatting controls.
Add Assignment form - showing all fields
- Click or touch:
- Cancel to abandon the new item without adding to your Agenda.
- Save to add this item to your Agenda.
- The 'Add Another' hyperlink in the top right corner to save this Assignment and add another. You can click 'Add Another' each time until you have entered the last
new Assignment needed and then click the Save button to end the Add process.
- If you have entered a new Subject or Course in the Subject/Course field, HSTOnline will ask for clarification when you click or touch the Save button or the 'Add Another' link.
New Subject/Course Confirmation
- Choose whether to create your new entry as a new Subject or a new Course.
- Add as new Subject: the new entry will be added to your Subjects list with a status of 'Core'. You can edit the
item in your Subjects list to change the status as needed.
- Add as new Course with a Subject of: Select a Subject from the drop down list. The Course will be attached to that Subject and created with the following
- Credit Hours - 0.00
- Calculation Option - Basic
- Grading Scale - Default Grading Scale
- Weighting - Off
You can edit the item in your Courses list to change the parameters as needed.
- Click or touch:
- Cancel to be returned to the Add Assignment window to make a new selection in the Subject/Course field.
- Save to keep the new Subject or Course and add the Assignment to your Agenda.
Adding Multiple Assignments
- On the HSTOnline menu, click or touch 'Agenda - Calendar View' or 'Agenda - List View' under the 'Schedules and Planning' section.
- On the Agenda - Calendar View or Agenda - List View page, click or touch the Add button and select 'Assignment - Multiple' to open the Add Multiple Assignments form.
Agenda-Calendar View Add Menu
Agenda-List View Add Menu
Add Multiple Assignments
- The 'Add Multiple Assignments' form is a tabbed area: Students and Details, Day and Date, and Page/Lesson/Chapter. The active tab area
will have a thick, blue underline. Click on any tab name to move to that area. You can move back and forth as many times as you need as you adjust your option settings.
- The only required fields are: Student and Subject/Course in the Students and Details tab and a Start Date in the Day and Date area.
- Students and Details:
- Student: The first time you enter this area, no Students will be selected. Exception: If you have only one active Student, that Student will be selected
by default.
- Put a check next to each Student for whom you want to create these Assignments.
- Each time you return to this area, HSTOnline will remember your selections unless and until you change them.
- Assignment Details: Fill in information as needed.
- Fields and features which have been disabled in Program Options will be hidden from view in the Assignment Details area.
- The only required field in this area is the Subject or Subject/Course field.
- For information on completing these fields, see above.
- When creating multiple Assignments, the Page/Lesson/Chapter field is completed in the last tab area so that field does not appear here.
- Click or touch:
- Return to Agenda to cancel this process and return to the Agenda.
- Continue to Day and Date or the Day and Date tab to move to the next set of options.
Day and Date Options
- Day and Date:
- Day Options: Set the pattern of days you want HSTOnline to follow when creating the copies.
- Check the boxes to Skip Days off and/or Skip Non-School Days.
Skip Options
Day Options
- Both boxes are checked by default. HSTOnline will remember your settings when you return to this area.
- Skip Days off will cause HSTOnline to skip over any days that have already been noted as a Day Off within your school
- Non-School Days are those days of the week that are unchecked in your School Profile.
- Click or touch the radio button for Preset, Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Spread Evenly. See the
Day Options Help Page for step-by-step instructions on completing this section. Below is a brief description of each option:
- Preset: HSTOnline will follow the days and times for the designated Subject or Subject/Course that you
have set in the Lesson Plans and Presets area for the Student. This option allows you to create the same type of
Assignment for multiple Students at the same time, but set personalized days and times based on their Preset entries.
- Daily: HSTOnline will gather a list of all dates that fall within your selected date range, remove the
dates that violate your 'Skip' settings, and then place an Assignment on each date in the date range according to your 'Every_Day' entry.
- Weekly: HSTOnline will gather a list of all dates that fall within your selected date range, cull the
list to only those dates which match the days of the week you have selected for your Weekly options, and then remove from the remaining dates any that violate your
'Skip' settings. Finally, HSTOnline will place an Assignment on each remaining date in the range according to your
'Every _ Weeks' entry.
- Monthly: HSTOnline will gather a list of all dates that fall within your selected date range, cull the
list to only those dates which match the date of the month or # day of the month you have selected (First Tuesday, Third Monday, etc.) and then remove from the
remaining dates any that violate your 'Skip' settings. Finally, HSTOnline will place an Assignment on each remaining date in the date range.
- Spread Evenly: Choose this option when you want to force all the created items to fit between a start/end date
that you specify. If you have more items than there are valid dates in your range, you will get multiple items on some or all dates; if you have fewer items than
there are valid dates in your range, you will have one or more days between Assignments.
- Date Options: Set your Start Date and choose a 'Continue' option.
Date Options
- Enter a Start Date. Type in a date using the mm/dd/yyyy format or click or touch the Calendar icon to select a date.
- Choose a 'Continue' option:
- Continue creating items until PLC pattern is exhausted': HSTOnline will use your Start Date and project Assignments as far into the future as
necessary to create all the items dictated by the PLC options you set.
- 'Continue creating items until [Date]': HSTOnline will create your items but stop when it reaches the date you enter no matter how
many items are left in the PLC pattern you set.
- When you choose the 'Spread Evenly' option, 'Continue until End Date is reached' is the only option available because the definition of Spread Evenly requires
a defined date range.
- Type in a date using the mm/dd/yyyy format or click or touch the Calendar icon to select a date.
- Click or touch:
- Return to Agenda to cancel this process and return to the Agenda.
- Continue to PLC or the Page/Lesson/Chapter tab to move to the next set of options.
Page/Lesson/Chapter Options
- Page/Lesson/Chapter: There are four options for creating Page/Lesson/Chapter text for multiple assignments: the first, is to have the same text appear in the PLC
field for each Assignment created; the other three options allow you to create an auto-increment pattern for the PLC information. See the
PLC Copy Options Help Page for step-by-step instructions on completing this section. Below is a brief description of each option:
- If you have disabled the Page/Lesson/Chapter field, the only option here will be to set the number of copies that you want
to create.
Page/Lesson/Chapter Options when PLC field is disabled
- Enter the number of copies you want and click or touch 'Continue to Preview'.
- Same Page/Lesson/Chapter: When the PLC field is enabled this is the
default selection. When you choose this option, the same text - or no text - will appear in the Page/Lesson/Chapter field of each Assignment.
- Enter text in the Page/Lesson/Chapter field, or leave it blank
- Enter the number of copies you want to create.
- 1-Part Auto-Increment: Set a pattern for HSTOnline to follow where the Page/Lesson/Chapter text is incremented for each
item created. In a 1-Part increment you can create entries such as:
- Lesson 1, Lesson 2, Lesson 3, etc.
- Pages 1-4, Pages 5-8,, Pages 9-12, etc.
- 2-Part Auto-Increment: Set a pattern for HSTOnline to follow where the Page/Lesson/Chapter text is incremented for each
item created. In a 2-Part increment you can create entries such as:
- Lesson 1.1, Lesson 1.2, Lesson 1.3, etc.
- Chapter 16 - Part A, Chapter 16 - Part B, Chapter 17 - Part A, etc.
- 3-Part Auto-Increment: Set a pattern for HSTOnline to follow where the Page/Lesson/Chapter text is incremented for each
item created. In a 3-Part increment you can create entries such as:
- Chapter 1: Lesson 1: Part A, Chapter 1: Lesson 1: Part B, Chapter 1: Lesson 2: Part A, etc.
- Click or touch:
- Return to Agenda to cancel this process and return to the Agenda.
- Continue to Preview to see the list of Assignments that will be created based on the options you have set.
- If you have entered a new Subject or Course in the Subject/Course field, HSTOnline will ask for clarification when you click or touch the Save button or the 'Add Another' link.
New Subject/Course Confirmation
- Choose whether to create your new entry as a new Subject or a new Course.
- Add as new Subject: the new entry will be added to your Subjects list with a status of 'Core'. You can edit the
item in your Subjects list to change the status as needed.
- Add as new Course with a Subject of: Select a Subject from the drop down list. The Course will be attached to that Subject and created with the following
- Credit Hours - 0.00
- Calculation Option - Basic
- Grading Scale - Default Grading Scale
- Weighting - Off
You can edit the item in your Courses list to change the parameters as needed.
- Click or touch:
- Cancel to be returned to the Add Assignment window to make a new selection in the Subject/Course field.
- Save to keep the new Subject or Course and add the Assignment to your Agenda.
- If you choose 'Continue to Preview', HSTOnline will show you the Assignments that will be created based upon your option settings. Use this opportunity to review the items before accepting them
to be added to your database.
- The Preview will show you all items, sorted by date and then by Student. You can group or sort the Preview list in any way you like and
HSTOnline will remember those settings each time you return to the Preview list.
- If the results are not what you expected, you can click or touch the 'Students and Details', 'Day and Date', or 'Page/Lesson/Chapter'
tab to reset your options and then click or touch the 'Return to Preview' button to see the new results.
Add Multiple Assignments: Preview
Preview - Grouped by Date
- Once you are satisfied with the items displayed in the Preview, you can select the items you want to add to your Agenda. Click or touch the 'Select All' badge to select all the Assignments in the list.
- you can click or touch the checkbox for each Assignment you want to accept.
- you can use your mouse to click and drag over contiguous entries in the list to select those items.
- on a touch device, you can touch and drag your finger over contiguous entries in the list to select those items.
Select Items
- Click or touch:
- Return to Agenda to abandon this process and return to the Agenda - List View.
- Accept Selected Items to add the highlighted Assignments to your Agenda.
Adding Assignments from a Lesson Plan
If you choose to use the Lesson Plans feature, you will use the Scheduler tool to turn those Lesson Plan items into
Assignments for your Students. You can access the Scheduler from the Lesson Plan area or from the
Students - Lesson Plans and Presets area.