Subscription and User Accounts
Once you have activated your HSTOnline subscription you, as Administrator of your account, can use the 'Subscription and Users' link on the HSTOnline menu to monitor the status of your account.
This menu option only appears when logged into HSTOnline under the Administrator username. It will not appear when logged in under a Teacher or Student account. As the Administrator, you will be
responsible for activating and setting the parameters for each Student account, as well as establishing the additional Teacher account with a username and password.
HSTOnline Menu
Subscription Summary
The Subscription Summary page provides details of the current state of your HSTOnline subscription and user accounts. See below for information on creating and editing user
accounts for your Students and Teacher.
- Log in to HSTOnline using your Administrator username and password.
- On the HSTOnline menu, choose 'Subscription and Users' in the 'Your Account' section.
What it tells you:
- Summary: View the details of your account. From this view you can also extend your subscription, change the Administrator account password, or change the email registered
to the account.
- Subscription Expiration: The date when your current subscription expires.
- Teacher Accounts: Shows how many of your allowed Teacher accounts have been created. A basic subscription allows for 3 Teacher accounts in addition to the
Administrator account.
- Student Accounts: Shows how many of your allowed Student accounts have been created. A basic subscription allows for up to 20 Student accounts. As you add
Students to your database, their name will be added to the User Accounts list.
- Email Address: Displays the email address tied to your HSTOnline account.
- Change Password: Allows you to change the password for the Administrator username.
- Click or touch the 'Change Password' button.
- Type in your new password. Passwords are case sensitive.
- Click or touch:
- Cancel to exit the form without changing the Administrator password.
- Save to keep your changes for the Administrator password.
- Change Email: Allows you to change the email associated with your HSTOnline account.
- Click or touch the 'Change Email' button.
- Enter the new email address you want to use.
- Click or touch:
- Cancel to exit without making a change.
- Send Confirmation to generate a confirmation email to the new address you provided. Your account will not be updated with the new email address
until you click on the link provided in the confirmation email that is sent to you.
- Users: The User Accounts table will show:
- Teacher accounts you have set up.
- Your basic subscription entitles you to three additional teacher accounts in addition to the Administrator account.
- Teacher accounts have full access to the program with the exception of the Program Options page, the School Profile page, and the Subscription Summary and Users page.
- To add a Teacher account, or edit an existing account, see below.
- An entry for each Student name entered into your account.
- Each Student will have a placeholder for a user account. You will decide whether to grant each Student access or not.
- For Students who have access, the User Accounts table will show their username and a 'Y' in the Active column.
- To edit a Student account, see below.
User Accounts
As the Administrator of an HSTOnline account, you can set up User Accounts to allow another Teacher and/or your Students to access your database. The limit for the number of Teacher and Student
accounts you can create is set by the subscription level purchased. With the standard package, you can have one Administrator (full-access) account, 3 Teacher accounts, and up to 20 Student accounts.
- The Administrator account has access to all areas of the program. As the Administrator, you assume full responsibility for the access provided by the Teacher and Student user accounts.
- A Teacher User Account has access to all areas of the program except for Program Options, School Profile and the Subscriptions and Users page.
- A Student User Account gives the Student access to his own Agenda and the ability to review their Grading Overview and Transcript Supplemental information. Without any additional
permissions the Student can only view information and mark Assignments and Chores as completed by checking the Student box. Additional access can be given using the permissions outlined
- Each User Account requires a unique username and any password of your choice. Teacher and Student users can change their own password at any time using the 'Change Password' link in the 'Your Account'
section of the menu.
- As the Administrator, you can deactivate an account at any time to prevent further access by that user. You can also change the password to any user account at any time.
- Deactivating an Account does not give you room for more total accounts than those provided in your subscription package.
- Deactivating an Account does not remove any data entered by the Account holder.
User Accounts - Action button
Teacher User Accounts
Teacher User Accounts have access to all areas of HSTOnline except for the Program Options, School Profile and Subscriptions and Users pages.
Adding a Teacher User Account
- Log in to HSTOnline using your Administrator username and password.
- Click or touch 'Subscription and Users' under the Your Account section of the HSTOnline menu.
- Click or touch the Action button under the User Accounts section and choose 'Add Teacher'.
- This option will only appear if you have an available Teacher account to set up based on your subscription. The base subscription allows for three Teacher accounts in addition to the
Administrator user account.
Add Teacher User Account
- User Type: This field will show 'Teacher'.
- Name: Enter the Teacher's name. This can be first name, first and last name, title and last name - whatever is appropriate, up to 150 characters. Whatever you
enter here will be displayed in top right of the HSTOnline title bar when the Teacher is logged in.
Teacher Name in Title Bar
- Username: Enter the username for this Teacher. Each username must be unique and at least 3 characters long. HSTOnline will confirm the availability of the Username
when you click or touch the Save button.
- Password: Enter a password. Passwords are case-sensitive. The Teacher can change her own password at any time using the 'Change Password' option under the 'Your Account'
section of the HSTOnline menu.
- Retype Password: Retype the password.
- Active: All Teacher user accounts start as Active. Click or touch 'No' to deactivate this account.
- Click or touch
- Cancel to abandon this Teacher user account.
- Save to add the Teacher user Account.
- HSTOnline will validate the selected username for availability and check that the password was entered the same way in each field.
- If there is an issue with the username or password, HSTOnline will return a message. Make the necessary changes and click the Save button again.
- When validation is complete, the new user account will be added to your list.
HSTOnline menu - Teacher Login
Editing a Teacher User Account
- Log in to HSTOnline using your Administrator username and password.
- Click or touch 'Subscription and Users' under the Your Account section of the HSTOnline menu.
- Click or touch the Teacher account you want to edit.
- Click or touch the Action button under the User Accounts section and choose 'Edit'.
Edit Teacher User Account
- Make whatever changes are necessary. The User Type and Username fields cannot be changed.
- Click or touch
- Cancel to abandon this Teacher user account.
- Save to add the Teacher user Account.
- If you have changed the password, HSTOnline will validate that the password was entered the same way in each field.
- If there is an issue with the password, HSTOnline will return a message. Make the necessary changes and click the Save button again.
Student User Accounts
Under the List option from the Student section of the HSTOnline menu, you will set up a record for each Student in your homeschool. When a Student record
is created, an entry will be added for them here in the User Accounts area automatically. Student User Accounts start as inactive. You will need to activate each account to create a username and password
for those Students to whom you want to grant access to the program.
All Student User Accounts can: |
- Log into the program.
- View their own Agenda and see the Appointments, Chores and Assignments scheduled for them.
- View their Attendance records.
- View their Grading Overview
- View their Lesson Plans and Preset area
- View their Transcript Supplemental area
- Mark any Assignment as 'complete by Student' if that field is enabled.
- Mark any Chore as 'complete by Student' if that field is enabled.
- Perform other functions based on the permissions granted below.
Student User Accounts can never: |
- Access the Program Options menu.
- Access the Accounts menu except to change the password on their own User Account.
- Access the Lesson Plan area.
- Access details for any other Student.
- Access the Grade Level area.
- Access the Skills Progress area.
- Mark the Complete - Teacher box.
- Delete any records.
Activating a Student User Account
- Log in to HSTOnline using your Administrator username and password.
- Click or touch 'Subscription and Users' under the Your Account section of the HSTOnline menu.
- Click or touch the Student account you want to activate.
- Click or touch the Action button under the User Accounts section and choose 'Edit'.
Activating a Student Account
- User Type: This field will show 'Student'.
- Name: This field will show what you entered for the Student's 'Display Name' and can only be changed by editing the Student
- To activate this Student User Account, click or touch 'Yes' in the Active field. The form will expand to show additional fields and options.
Additional Fields and Options when Active=Yes
- Username: Enter a username for the Student. Each username must be unique and at least 3 characters long. HSTOnline will confirm the availability of the Username
when you click or touch the Save button.
- Password: Enter a password. Passwords are case-sensitive. Students can change their own password at any time using the 'Change Password' option under the 'Your Account'
section of the HSTOnline menu.
- Retype Password: Retype the password.
- Permissions: Choose which permissions to grant to this Student.
- General: These permissions give varying degrees of access to areas of the program.
- Appointments and Chores: allows the Student to add, copy, copy over date range, duplicate, edit, multi-edit and reschedule
Appointments and Chores. Students can never delete Appointments or Chores, nor
can they mark Chores as Complete -Teacher.
- Library: allows the Student to add, copy, edit or multi-edit Library items.
- Scheduler: allows the Student to add and edit Preset entries on their Lesson Plans and Presets page, and
use the Scheduler button to create Assignments from their list of active Lesson Plans.
- Transcript Supplemental: Students can always view their Transcript Supplemental page. Granting this permission allows the Student to add and edit
entries to their Activities & Achievements, Schools Attended and
Standardized Tests areas.
- Reports: allows the Student to generate Reports and use the Export feature in the
Agenda - List View and in the Library, if they have Library permissions.
Student User Permissions
- Assignments: These permissions give varying degrees of editing abilities for Assignments. When a Student has access to change details of their Assignment, they can also edit items
in the Grading Overview area.
- Add/Edit All Fields: allows the Student user to add, copy over date range, duplicate, edit, multi-edit and reschedule
Assignments. Granting this permission automatically enables the three permissions that follow. Students can never delete Assignments,
nor can they mark Assignments as Complete -Teacher.
- Assignment Date and Time/Block: allows the Student to change the date and the time or block values for any Assignment. This permission
also gives the Student the ability to drag-and-drop items on the Agenda - Calendar View.
- Points Possible/Earned: allows the Student to add, edit or multi-edit the Points Possible and Points Earned fields for any Assignment.
- Time Spent/Sessions: allows the Student to add, edit or multi-edit the Time Spent or Sessions field for any Assignment.
- Click the Save button to add the Student User Account.
Student Assignment Permissions
Editing a Student User Account
- Log in to HSTOnline using your Administrator username and password.
- Click or touch 'Subscription and Users' under the Your Account section of the HSTOnline menu.
- Click or touch the Student account you want to edit.
- Click or touch the Action button under the User Accounts section and choose 'Edit'.
Edit Student User Account
- Make whatever changes are necessary. The User Type, Name and Username fields cannot be changed.
- To change the Student's Name field, you can edit the Student record and change the Display Name field.
- To change the Student's password, click the 'change' link, type in the new password and retype the new password in the fields that appear.
- Click or touch
- Cancel to abandon your changes to this Student user account.
- Save to keep your changes to the Student user Account.
- If you have changed the password, HSTOnline will validate that the password was entered the same way in each field.
- If there is an issue with the password, HSTOnline will return a message. Make the necessary changes and click the Save button again.
Student Login
When the Student logs in to HSTOnline, they will see menu options based on their User Account permissions.
In Fig. 1, the Student Freddie is logged in. Freddie has no additional permissions allowed and therefore is in a read-only state. He can view his Agenda in Calendar or List View, he can also view his
Attendance records under List, his grading progress in the Grading Overview, his active Lesson Plans and any Presets, and supplemental information added for his Transcript. However, he has no ability to
edit any of that information, just view it. He can, of course, mark any of his own Assignments or Chores as Student Complete by checking that box, if the Administrator has enabled the Complete by Student
field. And you will note that the Past Due message on Freddie's login only notes 4 Assignments and Chores as Past Due as only his own items will be visible to him. These will only be those items which are
not yet marked as Teacher or Student complete, are assigned to Freddie, and have a date prior to today's date. All Students also have the ability to change their own password. The Administrator retains
this ability as well for all Student and Teacher User Accounts.
Fig 1 - HSTOnline Menu, Student Login - View Only Permissions
In Fig. 2, the Student Agnes is logged in. Agnes has been granted full Student access, so she is able to view everything that Freddie can see for her own records. In addition, she can create
reports and view, add and edit Library items. Not evident from this screen shot is the fact that Agnes can add/edit Assignments, Appointments and Chores. She can also view her Past Due items, and again,
you'll note that the Past Due notification shows 5 Assignments and Chores as Past Due. These will be only those items that are not yet marked as Teacher or Student Complete, are assigned to Agnes, and
have a date prior to today's date.
Fig 2 - HSTOnline Menu, Student Login - All Permissions
When a Student user clicks or touches the Agenda - Calendar View link, they will be taken to a view that includes the current date.
Student Login