Day Off
Everyone needs a day off sometime. HSTOnline allows you to designate a would-be school day as a `Holiday', `Vacation', or `Other' day - something that is neither a holiday nor vacation but you want
to mark as a day off. In addition to declaring the Day Off as a Holiday, Vacation or Other day, you can add a short description of the day such as Thanksgiving, Spring Break, Mom's birthday, etc., up to
150 characters. A Day Off can be applied to one student, more than one, or all students.
Why bother logging Days Off? If you do, you can choose to skip over Days Off when submitting, copying and rescheduling assignments. This allows you to quickly book items over multiple weeks and have
HSTOnline automatically jump over days when you don't intend to hold school.
Creating new Days Off entries after assignments have been created will not automatically move those assignments to different dates. If you wish to add a holiday to
days which already have assignments booked, you can use the Rescheduling tool to move those items forward or backward in time. Dates marked as 'Days Off' can have
Assignments and/or Attendance records if you wish.
Days Off can displayed in the Agenda - Calendar View and Agenda - List View.
Days Off in Agenda - List View
Days Off in Agenda - Calendar View
Adding Days Off
You can add a single Day Off for one or more Students or create multiple Days Off for one or more Students using the Add Days Off form.
- On the HSTOnline menu, click or touch 'Agenda - Calendar View' or 'Agenda - List View' under the 'Schedules and Planning' section.
- On the Agenda - Calendar View or Agenda - List View page, click or touch the Add button and select Day Off.
Agenda - Calendar View: Add - Day Off
Agenda - List View: Add - Day Off
Add Days Off - first visit
- The Add Days Off form is a tabbed area. Click on a tab name to move to that area. You can move back and forth as many times as you need as you adjust your option settings.
- In the left tab, you will select the Students who will receive the Day Off notation(s) and set the Type and optional description for the Day Off entries.
- In the right tab, you will set the Day and Date parameters for the Days Off entry(ies) you are creating.
- Students and Details: The form starts with this tab activated, which is indicated by the dark blue line under the Students and Details heading.
Students and Details Section
- Students: Choose the Students who will receive this Days Off entry.
- The first time you enter this area, no students will be selected. On subsequent visits, HSTOnline will show your previous Student selections. Exception: If you have just one
active Student in your Student list, that Student will be automatically selected.
- Click or touch the check box for each Student you want to include for this Day Off.
- Day Off Details:
- Type: Click or touch the radio button for Holiday, Vacation or Other. Holiday is selected by default.
- Description: Use this optional field to enter details about the Day Off, such as Thanksgiving, Spring Break, Mom's birthday, etc. up to 150 characters.
Day Off Example - Students and Details
- Click or touch:
- Return to Agenda to cancel this process and return to the Agenda - List view
- Continue to Day and Date to move to the next set of options. You can also click or touch the Day and Date tab to move to that are of options.
- Day and Date Options: When you choose 'Continue to Day and Date' or click or touch the Day and Date Options tab, the Day and Date Options tab will display a dark blue line, indicating
it is the active area.
Day and Date Options Section
- Day Options: Set the parameters for the Day Off entries to be created.
- Check the boxes to Skip Days off and/or Skip Non-School Days.
Skip Days Options
Daily, Weekly, Monthly Options
- Both boxes are checked by default. HSTOnline will remember your settings when you return to this area.
- Skip Days off will cause HSTOnline to skip over any days that have already been noted as a Day Off within your school year. If you uncheck this box, any existing Day Off entries
will be replaced with the new entries being created here.
- Non-School Days are those days of the week that are unchecked in your School Profile.
- Click or touch the radio button for Daily, Weekly or Monthly. See the
Day Options Help Page for step-by-step instructions on completing this section. Below is a brief description of each option:
- Daily: HSTOnline will gather a list of all dates that fall within your selected date range, remove the
dates that violate your 'Skip' settings, and then place a Day Off entry on each date in the date range according to your 'Every_Day' entry.
- Weekly: HSTOnline will gather a list of all dates that fall within your selected date range, cull the
list to only those dates which match the days of the week you have selected for your Weekly options, and then remove from the remaining dates any that violate your
'Skip' settings. Finally, HSTOnline will place a Day Off entry on each remaining date in the range according to your
'Every _ Weeks' entry.
- Monthly: HSTOnline will gather a list of all dates that fall within your selected date range, cull the
list to only those dates which match the date of the month or # day of the month you have selected (First Tuesday, Third Monday, etc.) and then remove from the
remaining dates any that violate your 'Skip' settings. Finally, HSTOnline will place a Day Off entry on each remaining date in the date range.
- Date Range: Set the range of dates needed.
Date Range
- To create a single Day Off entry, set the Start Date and End Date fields to the same date.
- Start Date: Enter a date in the mm/dd/yyyy format or use the Calendar icon to select a date.
- End Date: You may choose any date you wish that is greater than or equal to the Start date. Enter a date in the mm/dd/yyyy format or use the
Calendar icon to select a date.
Day Off Example - Day and Date
- Click or touch:
- Return to Agenda to cancel this process and return to the Agenda - List view.
- Continue to Preview to see a preview of items that will be added to your Agenda.
- If you choose 'Continue to Preview', HSTOnline will show you the Day Off entries that will be created based on your option settings. Use this opportunity to review the items before accepting
them to be added to your database.
- The Status column of the Preview list will show 'Add' if a new Day Off entry is being created, and will show 'Replace' if an existing Day Off entry will be replaced in favor of the new item you
have just created. You will only see 'Replace' when you have unchecked the 'Skip Existing Days Off' option and there are one or more existing Day Off entries in the date range.
- The Preview will show you all items, sorted by date and then by Student. You can group or sort the Preview list in any way you like and HSTOnline
will remember those settings each time you return to the Preview list.
- If the results are not what you expected, you can click or touch the Students and Details tab or the Day and Date tab to reset your options and then click or
touch the 'Return to Preview' button to see the new results.
- Once you are satisfied with the items displayed in the Preview, you can select the items you want to add to your Agenda. Click or touch the 'Select All' badge to select all the Day Off entries in the
list. Alternatively,
- you can click or touch the checkbox for each Day Off you want to accept.
- you can use your mouse to click and drag over contiguous entries in the list to select those items.
- on a touch device, you can touch and drag your finger over contiguous entries in the list to select those items.
Select Items
- Click or touch:
- Return to Agenda to abandon this process and return to the Agenda - List View.
- 'Accept Selected Items' to add the highlighted Day Off entries to your Agenda
- Holidays will show as Hol: followed by the Description you have entered.
- Vacation days will show as Vac: followed by the Description you have entered.
- Other days will show as Oth: followed by the Description you have entered.
Copying Days Off
- Copy Over Date Range: Select any single Day Off entry and use it as the basis for creating new Day Off entries for one or more Students over a range of
dates, following the Daily, Weekly or Monthly pattern you set.
- Duplicate: Select any one or more Day Off entries and duplicate them for another Student or Students.
Copying a Day Off over a Date Range
You can select any single Day Off and use it as the basis for creating new Days Off for one or more Students. The Copy over Date Range process uses the same form as the Add Day Off form
outlined above and fills in the Type and Description fields from the original item. You can change these fields as needed.
- On the HSTOnline menu, click or touch 'Agenda - List View' under the 'Schedules and Planning' section.
- Set the Date Range, Students and Types filters to display the item you want to use as the basis for the Copy over Date Range function.
- Click or touch the Day Off entry you want to Copy.
- Click or touch the Action button and choose 'Copy over Date Range' to open the Copy Day Off form.
- In the Students and Details tab:
Copy Day Off - Students and Details
- Select the Students who will be receiving the new items. The Student attached to the original Day Off will already be selected. Choose any other Students you
want to create new Days Off entries for.
- Set the Type and Description. These fields will show the details of the original Day Off. Change the settings as needed.
- Click or touch the Day and Date tab or the 'Continue to Day and Date' button to access those options.
Copy Day Off - Days and Dates
- Under Day Options choose which types of days to skip and set the Daily, Weekly or Monthly pattern you want HSTOnline to follow when creating these items.
- Set the Date Range you want to use by entering a date in the Start and End fields using the mm/dd/yyyy format or click on the
Calendar icon to select a date for each field.
- Click or touch 'Continue to Preview' to review the Days Off entries that will be created.
- If the results are not what you expected, you can click or touch the 'Students and Details' tab or the 'Day and Date' tab to reset your options and then click or touch 'Return to Preview'
to see the new results.
- Once you are satisfied with the items displayed in the Preview, you can select the items you want to add to your Agenda. Click or touch the 'Select All' badge to select all the Day Off entries in the
list. Alternatively,
- you can click or the checkbox for each Day Off you want to accept.
- you can use your mouse to click and drag over contiguous entries in the list to select those items.
- on a touch device, you can touch and drag your finger over contiguous entries in the list to select those items.
- Click the 'Accept Selected Items' to add the Days Off records to the Agenda.
- Days Off will appear on the Agenda - Calendar View and Agenda - List View.
- Holidays will show as Hol: followed by the Description you have entered.
- Vacation days will show as Vac: followed by the Description you have entered.
- Other days will show as Oth: followed by the Description you have entered.
Duplicating Days Off
Use this feature when you have Days Off for one Student and need to duplicate them with the same date, type, and description for another Student or Students. You can only have one Day Off entry per Student
per date. If you use the duplicate an entry for a Student who already has a Day Off on that date, the existing Day Off entry will be replaced with the new, duplicated entry.
Duplicating Multiple Item Types (Fig. 2)
- On the HSTOnline menu, click or touch 'Agenda - List View' under the 'Schedules and Planning' section.
- Set the Date Range, Students and Types filters to display the Days Off entries you want to duplicate.
- Select one or more Day Off entries that you want to duplicate.
- Click the checkbox for each entry you want to duplicate.
- You can use your mouse to click and drag over contiguous Day Off entries to select those items.
- On a touch device, you can touch and drag your finger over contiguous Day Off entries to select those items.
- Click or touch the 'Select All' badge to select all the items in the list. Note: You can duplicate Appointments,
Assignments, Chores and Days Off at the same time. Just include all the items you want
to duplicate in your selection.
- Click or touch the Action button and choose 'Duplicate' to open the Duplicate window.
Duplicate Days Off Window (Fig. 1)
- HSTOnline will show you the number of Days Off selected for duplication. (Fig. 1)
- If you your selection includes other types of items, those types and the number of each will be listed in the Duplicate window. (Fig. 2) If your selection includes
Attendance items, they will be ignored as Attendance entries cannot be duplicated in this manner.
- Choose the Students to whom you want to copy the selected Days Off.
- Click or touch:
- Cancel to abandon this process.
- Save to create the duplicates for the selected items and Students.
Editing Days Off
You can edit any single Day Off entry to change the Student, Date, Type and/or Description for that entry. You can multi-edit any two or more Day Off entries to change the Type and/or Description for those
Editing a Single Day Off Entry
You can edit any single Day Off entry to change the Student, Date, Type and/or Description for that entry.
- On the HSTOnline menu, click or touch 'Agenda - Calendar View' or 'Agenda - List View' under the 'Schedules and Planning' section.
- On the Agenda - Calendar View:
- Set the filters to view the Day Off entry you want to change.
- Click or touch on the item you want to change to open the tool tip window.
- Click or touch 'More' to open the Edit window for that item
Agenda - Calendar View Tool Tip - More Button
- On the Agenda - List View:
- Set the Date Range, Students, and Types filters to display the Day Off entry you want to edit.
- Double-click on the Day Off entry you want to change to open the Edit Day Off window.
- Alternatively, you can click once on the Day Off entry you want to change and then click the Action button and choose Edit to open the Edit Day Off window.
- On a touch device, touch the Day Off entry you wish to edit and then touch the Action button and touch Edit to open the Edit Day Off window.
Edit Day Off form
- HSTOnline will show you when and by whom the original item was created and when and by whom it was last changed.
- Make any changes needed.
- Click or touch:
- Cancel to abandon this process.
- Save to keep your changes and update the Agenda.
- The Previous or Next hyperlink in the top right corner to save your changes to this Day Off entry and move to the previous or next
Day Off entry in the list. You can click or touch Previous or Next until you have made all the changes you want to your Day Off entries and then click the Save button to end the Edit process.
If you reach the beginning or end of the list when clicking or touching Previous or Next, the Edit window will close and you will be returned to the list view. Note: When using Previous/Next,
HSTOnline will move to the next or previous item of the same type - in this case, Day Off entries - skipping over the other items in the Agenda - List View.
- Previous and Next are only available when editing items from the Agenda - List view.
Editing Multiple Days Off Entries
You can edit any selected group of Days Off entries to change the Type or Description.
- On the HSTOnline menu, click or touch 'Agenda - List View' under the 'Schedules and Planning' section.
- Set the Date Range, Students and Types filters to display the items you want to edit.
- Choose the Day Off entries you want to multi-edit.
- Click the checkbox for each Day Off entry you want to change.
- You can use your mouse to click and drag over contiguous Day Off entries in the list to select those items.
- On a touch device, you can touch and drag your finger over contiguous Day Off entries in the list to select those items.
- Click or touch the Action button and click or touch Multi-Edit to open the Multi-Edit Day Off window.
- If your selection includes Days Off items and other item types (Appointments, Assignments,
Attendance and/or Chores), the Multi-Edit option will be disabled. Reselect items to include only
Day Off entries.
- HSTOnline will show you how many items have been selected for editing.
- The fields in the Multi-Edit window will show the settings for the first Day Off entry in your selection.
Multi-Edit Day Off form
- To enable the form, click or touch the box to the left of each field you want to change for all selected Day Off entries. Make your selection for each of those fields.
- Click or touch:
- Cancel to abandon this process.
- Save to keep your changes and update the Agenda.
Deleting Days Off
Deleting Appointments from the Agenda - Calendar View
You can delete any single Day Off entry from the Agenda - Calendar view. To delete multiple items at the same time, use the Delete action in the Agenda - List View.
- On the HSTOnline menu, click or touch 'Agenda - Calendar View' in the 'Schedules and Planning' box.
- Set the filters to view the item you want to remove.
- Click or touch on the item you want to remove to open the tool tip window.
Agenda - Calendar View Tool Tip
- Click or touch 'Delete' to open the Confirm Delete window for that item. The Delete option will only appear when signed in under an Administrator or Teacher account.
Confirm Delete
- Click or touch 'Never Mind' to keep the item; click or touch 'Yes, I'm Sure' to remove the Day Off entry from your database.
Deleted items cannot be retrieved.
Deleting Day Off Entries from the Agenda - List View
You can select any one or more Day Off entries to completely remove them from your database.
Confirm Deletion of Day Off Entries (Fig. 1)
Confirm Deletion of Multiple Item Types (Fig. 2)
- On the HSTOnline menu, click or touch 'Agenda - List View' under the 'Schedules and Planning' section.
- Set the Date Range, Students and Types filters to display the items you want to remove.
- Choose the Day Off entries you want to delete.
- Click the checkbox for each Day Off entry you want to remove.
- You can use your mouse to click and drag over contiguous Day Off entries in the list to select those items.
- On a touch device, you can touch and drag your finger over contiguous Day Off entries in the list to select those items.
- Click or touch the 'Select All' badge to select all the items in the list. Note: You can delete Appointments,
Assignments, Attendance entries,
Chores and Days Off entries at the same time. Just include all the items you want to delete in your selection.
- Click or touch the Action button and choose 'Delete' to open the Confirm Delete window.
- HSTOnline will show you the number of Day Off entries selected for deletion. (Fig. 1)
- If you your selection includes other types of items, those types and the number of each will be listed in the Confirm Delete window. (Fig. 2)
- Click or touch:
- 'Never Mind' to cancel the delete process.
- 'Yes, I'm Sure' to complete the deletion process. HSTOnline will delete all of the selected items from the database.
Deleted items cannot be retrieved.